Teksti: Camilla Åsedal
kuvat: NN07 & Alexander Ilic
In the TV series The Bear, young chef Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto returns from the fine dining world to his family's somewhat run-down sandwich shop in Chicago, where he takes over after his late brother. This contemporary drama series is filled with darkness, food, and humorous moments, and we take a closer look at the style of the main character, Carmy.
The main character Carmy's style is subtle, simple, and raw, yet well thought out, characterised by quality and timelessness. His clothing choices might consist of basic staples like a white t-shirt, but not just any t-shirt, and a pair of black jeans, but not just any fit. Just as a chef works with meticulous detail in the gourmet industry—with perfectly cut vegetables and millimetre precision—the same attention to detail is evident in his clothing choices.
NN07, Barbour, Filson, and Merz b. Schwanen are a few of the carefully selected brands that the style-conscious will recognise. Below, we highlight three pieces that have become classics from the series.
NN07’s Gael 8267 wool jacket, with its Italian garment-dyed chequered fabric, has become an iconic piece in the TV series The Bear, worn by Jeremy Allen White, who plays Carmy. This distinctive garment is designed with a boxy fit, inspired by classic old-school stadium jackets. Each jacket is unique due to variations in the fabric during the cutting process, resulting in slight differences in the chequered pattern.
“It’s just a white t-shirt,” you might think when you see someone wearing one. In this case, it’s not just that. It’s a German-made t-shirt from Merz b. Schwanen, crafted from a heavy organic material in a design that makes it the perfect timeless and classic t-shirt—a staple for everyday wear.
“It’s the Merz b. Schwanen 215 tee. When you see them in person, when you interact with them, it’s just different.”
- Cristina Spiridakis, Costume Designer on The Bear.
The Ogston jacket from Barbour, worn by Carmy in The Bear, is a timeless autumn staple. Crafted from durable Oban waxed cotton with an elegant matte finish, it represents an iconic style beloved for generations, particularly in British fashion. Classic details like leather-reinforced elbows and Barbour's signature tartan lining emphasise its heritage, adding a sense of tradition and authenticity.
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