Teksti: Camilla Åsedal
Kuvat: Alamy
Mike White’s TV series The White Lotus has taken the world by storm—or rather, with sun-drenched luxury and tropical heat. The latest season unfolds on the picturesque island of Koh Samui, Thailand. The same lavish atmosphere defines Season 2, set in Sicily, and the first season, which takes place at an exclusive resort in Hawaii. What ties all the seasons together is their satirical portrayal of the privileged elite, blending humor, mystery, and an air of effortless indulgence.
Nowhere is this opulence more apparent than in the fashion. The series moves away from quiet luxury and muted tones, instead embracing bold, well-tailored looks—light or patterned suits, short-sleeved floral shirts, and statement sunglasses. Flamboyant prints, linen suits, and pastel hues mirror the exotic vacation lifestyle. Among the featured brands are Brooks Brothers, Gucci, Ray-Ban, Rolex, Panerai, Louis Vuitton, and Oliver Peoples.
Actors like Theo James, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Jon Gries, Tom Hollander, and Leo Woodall embody The White Lotus’ tropical extravagance. Who wouldn’t long for sunshine, linen shorts, and a dip in a shimmering pool?
Here, we’ve gathered inspiration from all three seasons.
Floral and playful shirts are Rick Hatchett's signature style. Walton Goggins & Aimee Lou Wood in The White Lotus Season 3.
Theo James, Aubrey Plaza , Meghann Fahy and Will Sharpe in the HBO Max-series: The White Lotus - Season 2 (2022).
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