Teksti: Victor Lacabanne
Kuvat: olof händén
William Lockie is a prestigious Scottish manufacturer of luxurious wool garments with a history dating back to 1874. The brand, affectionately known as "Lockies," has established itself as one of the leading producers of high-quality knitwear, focusing on using the finest materials and traditional craftsmanship techniques.
Here, we’ve paired a classic crewneck sweater in lambswool with a vibrant blue colour. The lambswool material serves as the perfect layer to keep you warm. Dare to choose bold colours to stand out in an otherwise autumnal and muted palette. Pair it with brown corduroy trousers to highlight the colour even more, creating a look that is both polished and relaxed with a classic feel.
Since 1978, Harley of Scotland has been committed to supporting the local economy by working closely with Scottish spinners and manufacturers. This dedication to local production ensures their garments are authentic and of the highest quality.
One of Harley of Scotland’s most distinctive features is their focus on preserving traditional Scottish knitting techniques. By combining these techniques with modern patterns and colours, they offer a unique blend of style and function. The brushed sweater in 100% Scottish virgin wool is a true favourite and a great choice for those looking to stand out with something bolder than the classic lambswool sweater. The brushed surface, which gives a slightly fuzzy appearance, creates a luxurious feel, making the sweater a key piece in the outfit, while still serving its purpose as a warm layer.
The British brand Charles Tyrwhitt was founded in 1986 and is best known for its shirts, suits, and especially its knitwear. The core idea behind Charles Tyrwhitt is to offer stylish and timeless garments that combine elegance with comfort and functionality.
A shawl collar cardigan is a timeless and classic piece that has become a favourite in many wardrobes and has been worn by icons such as Steve McQueen. This type of cardigan combines both function and style, making it perfect for both casual and more formal occasions.
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