Teksti: Viktor gustafsson
kuvat: olof händén
Jeans are a staple in many people's wardrobes. Their durability and comfortable fit make both trousers/shorts and upper garments a safe bet to pull out of the wardrobe in the morning. Denim is charming enough to dress up with a blazer, but also dress down with a simple white t-shirt. Below we look at three ways to wear denim this summer.
Some may argue that denim shorts belong in the 80s or at the campsite by the barbecue. For a long time, the garment has been overshadowed by a number of other choices of shorts. Choosing denim shorts is not the easiest, as you don't want to wear a model that is too tight across the thighs, which happens if you cut off a pair of regular slim-fit jeans, for example. If you have a pair of wider jeans that you no longer wear, these can be used as shorts to give them a new lease of life. Your denim shorts should have a width that makes them both comfortable to walk around in, but also look aesthetically good for a pair of shorts, without being too tight. That said, one tip is to go up a size from your regular size. Pair with a white t-shirt and cardigan for a casual look.
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