Teksi: Camilla Åsedal
Kuvat: Patrik Hagborg & Alamy
Few watch models are as legendary as the Rolex Daytona ref. 6239, and no one is more closely associated with this icon than the equally legendary Paul Newman. The actor and racing driver wore his Daytona so often that the model with the "exotic dial" is called the "Paul Newman Daytona" or the "Daytona Panda" due to its black and white details.
For collectors and enthusiasts, this is one of the most sought-after watches in the world - a legacy of style, performance and history.
As a gift from his wife, the watch became his faithful companion with the engraving "Drive Carefully Me" on the back and sold in 2017 for a record 17.8 million dollars. When his wife Joanne gave the watch away, it was a unique example that, around 1968 when the watch was purchased, was not a particularly sought-after model.
One could say that Paul Newman transformed the Daytona ref. 6239 into an immortal icon, thanks to how it has shaped history and inspired future generations of watch collectors.
Today we proudly present a Rolex Daytona ref. 6239 with the 159xxx serial number dating it to around 1967. It has had only two owners, with the current owner purchasing the watch directly from the original owner in 1988. With a service history as late as 2010 and a full Panda dial, this is a watch that offers both history, authenticity and quality.
The timeless design and association with Paul Newman make the Daytona an irresistible collector's item. This example, with its combination of original parts, historical significance and subtle details such as the "Big Daytona" logo and Mark 1 Bezel, is a rare opportunity to own a piece of this history.
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